Pork with vegetables
Ingredients: pork, broth, potatoes, onion, sweet pepper, melted butter, tomato paste, wheat flour, salt, parsley greens, garlic, ground black pepper, citric acid. Does not contain GMOs
TS 10.13.15-554-04605473-2018
115 g

Nutritional value in 100 g of product contains:

Proteins 10
Fats 6,5
Carbs 4
Kcal 110
kJ 480
  • Physiologically beneficial and balanced product
  • Full meal that is nutritious and delicious
  • Unique recipe and high-tech manufacturing
  • Made only in Russia

Product is ready for use

Do not microwave

5-7 min
Place it in hot water

10-12 min
Hold it on radiator

10 min
Hold it on car radiator

Best stored at a temperature from 2 to 25 °С and humidity of less than 85%. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Shelf life for 18 months. Net weight 115g. The opened tube should be kept in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours.

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